Financial Success Classic: The Richest Man In Babylon by Samuel S. Clason

I pretty much enjoyed reading a classic financial book this past few days. I am considering myself a person lucky enough to belong to the millions who have read the book "The Richest Man in Babylon".  The book consists of 160 pages of parables and wonderful tales about the rich people of Babylon and their day to day affairs with money. During those times, their currencies are gold, silver and copper. This classic book was authored by George Samuel Clason. It was a good read and I believe many can learn and benefit from reading the book. We are just very fortunate that George shared us these "success secrets of the ancients". 

Here are the lessons/philosophies that I like from the book:

"Our prosperity as a nation depends upon the personal financial prosperity of each of us as individuals."

"Because when I awoke and remembered how empty was my purse, a feeling of rebellion swept over me."

Cebu Pacific's 50% off Airfares

Cebu Pacific announced another sale of cheap fares (50% off) for all of its Domestic and International flights.

Selling period: Until September 8, 2011 or until seats last
Travel period: November 1 - December 31, 2011

Please visit Cebu Pacific website for more info.

It's Never Too Early

"Can you buy me this book,daddy?", a young daughter begging her father in a Booksale store. I was there and I imagined people sorrounding the child smiling. It was already twice in the two times that I had been in that Booksale store that I heard those words.

Gamechanger Mark Zuckerberg

A Bloomberg documentary about Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg.

Part 1

Part 2

Motorcycles and Road Safety

A July 21, 2011 article from about Road Safety. 
Be mindful of motorcycles
Fortunately, there are things drivers, riders and others can do.An average of three lives a day could be saved, experts estimate, if motorists and motorcyclists were more careful at intersections. In fact, crash data reveals that motorcycle crashes happen more often at intersections than anywhere else, relative to the amount of time riders spend in them.
Tips for Motorists
• Be cautious when going through intersections.
• Look left, right and left again for motorcyclists. Also, be aware that because of a motorcycle's small size, a bike can easily hide in a car's blind spot.
• Allow for greater following distance. Most motorcyclists do not activate their brake light when slowing down. They slow down by downshifting.
• Don't assume motorcyclists are speeding. Due to their small size, motorcycles may seem to be moving faster and appear farther away than they really are.
• Motorcyclists often adjust position within a lane. This helps them be seen more easily by motorists. They also tend to avoid the center of the lane because of liquids that leak from car engines, transmissions and radiators.
Tips for Motorcyclists
• Be cautious when going through intersections.
• Be visible when you ride. Try to avoid blind spots, wear bright-colored, protective clothing, activate turn signals early and always use your headlights.
• Flash your brake lights when slowing down. This helps others on the road know your intentions.
• Leave enough space between you and the car in front of you. You'll have more time to react to other motorists' actions.
• Ride within your limits. If you're a new rider, consider taking a training course. Rush hour is not the time to learn how to maneuver your motorcycle. All riders should avoid extreme temperatures and inclement weather.
—North American Precis Syndicate Inc.

Using Wi-FI Spots Tips

I want to share a September 1, 2011 article that I read from about tips on using Wi-Fi Spots.
Tips on using Wi-Fi hotspots
Wi-Fi hotspots in coffee shops, libraries, airports, hotels, universities and other public places offer free access to the Internet.
However, public Wi-Fi networks often are not secure. You're sharing the hotspot with strangers, and some could be hackers.
Experts at the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) say that when using wireless hotspots, it's best to send only personal information that is encrypted—either by an encrypted website or a secure network.
Encryption scrambles information sent over the Internet into a code so that it's not accessed by others. An encrypted website protects only the information sent to and from that site. A secure wireless network encrypts all the information you send while online.
To tell if a website is encrypted, look for https at the beginning of the Web address (the "s" is for secure), and a lock icon at the top or bottom of the browser window. Some websites use encryption only on the sign-in page, but if any part of the session isn't encrypted, the entire account could be vulnerable. Look for https and the lock icon throughout the site, not just at sign in.
Is this hotspot secure?
• If a hotspot doesn't require a password, it's not secure.
• If a hotspot asks for a password through the browser simply to grant access, or asks for a password for WEP (wired equivalent privacy) encryption, it's best to proceed as if it were unsecured.
• A hotspot is secure only if it asks the user to provide a WPA (Wi-Fi protected access) password. WPA2 is even more secure than WPA.
For a safer Wi-Fi experience, the FTC recommends:
• When using a Wi-Fi hotspot, only log in or send personal information to websites that you know are fully encrypted. The entire visit to each site should be encrypted—from log in until log out. If you think you're logged in to an encrypted site but find yourself on an unencrypted page, log out right away.
• Don't stay permanently signed in to accounts. After using an account, log out.
• Do not use the same password on different websites. It could give someone who gains access to one account access to many accounts.
To learn more about protecting your privacy online and what to do if your information is compromised, visit
—North American Precis Syndicate Inc.